Spreading Message Spreading Message

Applet Description

A message emerges from a central point and spreads to the left and right until it reaches the sides of a bulletin board. You might use this applet as the title of your top page.

Parameter Information

Name Description Format Default Value
text Characters Character string Welcome to My Web Page!!
fg_color Text color Color blue
font Font attributes (name, style, and size) Name|Style|Size Dialog|PLAIN|24
sound Sound URL none
sound_mode Playback sound mode once or loop once
bg_color Background color Color lightGray
pause Frame interval Milliseconds 200
href Link URL none

Applet Tag

<applet codebase="Stretch" code="Stretch.class" width=321 height=150>
<param name=text value="Welcome to My Web Page!!">
<param name=fg_color value="">
<param name=font value="">
<param name=sound value="">
<param name=sound_mode value="">
<param name=bg_color value="">
<param name=pause value="">
<param name=href value="">

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