A message emerges from a central point and spreads to the left and right until it reaches the sides of a bulletin board. You might use this applet as the title of your top page.
Name | Description | Format | Default Value |
text | Characters | Character string | Welcome to My Web Page!! |
fg_color | Text color | Color | blue |
font | Font attributes (name, style, and size) | Name|Style|Size | Dialog|PLAIN|24 |
sound | Sound | URL | none |
sound_mode | Playback sound mode | once or loop | once |
bg_color | Background color | Color | lightGray |
pause | Frame interval | Milliseconds | 200 |
href | Link | URL | none |
<applet codebase="Stretch" code="Stretch.class"
width=321 height=150>
<param name=text value="Welcome to
My Web Page!!">
<param name=fg_color value="">
<param name=font value="">
<param name=sound value="">
<param name=sound_mode value="">
<param name=bg_color value="">
<param name=pause value="">
<param name=href value="">